Saturday, October 9, 2010

Patterns (for lack of a better term)

I am obsessed with patterns and relationships between things and random occurrences in things like numbers, dates, letters, and life.  For example, tomorrow's date is 10-10-10.  It's a Sunday, but oh, how I love it when those days fall on weekdays so that I can point them out to my kids.  December 11th of this year is 12-11-10.  That's a Saturday, so no fun there, either.  As I was getting ready for the school year, I noticed some curious things about my students' names and their initials.
  • 3 of the 4 names begin with E.
  • Two of my students have the exact same initials.
  • Another student has the initials CD.
  • One student has the initials E.T.  (I commented on it once and he looked at me as though I had grown another head.  He had never heard of that movie.  Neither had anyone else in the class.) 
Most people don't notice things like this, nor do they particularly care.  I, however, take joy in picking them out and bringing attention to the patterns that I see.

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