Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've got a theory. Actually it's more like an explanation. Actually, this is what I contemplate at 6:00 in the morning as I get ready for school.

Remember connect-the-dots puzzles? A picture is created by connecting the numbered dots (or letters of the alphabet) in the correct order. LOST is kind of like that, only more maniacal. They are connecting dots for us to create the larger picture that will be revealed at the end of the series. The audience is expected to follow the dot-connecting to a logical end. First problem: we don't know the larger picture so we don't know what we're shooting for. Supposedly the producers do, but this is LOST we're talking about. Anything could happen. Second problem (and this is the biggie): the directors and producers aren't playing fair. They're not giving us the dots in the correct order.

Example: They give us A, and then connect B and C, but don't show us the connection to A, they skip D completely and go to E, connect to F, connect to G, show us H, skip to K, skip to L, go back to D, connect G to H, skip ahead to W, skip back to M, and then connect it to L, etc. The audience never knows where (or when) they're going or what dot it is until way after the fact. Kind of makes composing a timeline a wee bit more difficult, especially since we don't know the big picture.

That's the beauty of it. Complete confusion for an hour a week. And besides, it gives me something to think about during the early morning hours. :-)

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