Sunday, August 14, 2011

A picture is worth a thousand words.  So, I'll summarize this summer with a few illustrations of the highlights.

This is the story of an egg.
An egg left in a bowl of vinegar until the shell dissolved.  Information courtesy of Jeopardy.
That's what the inside of an egg looks like.
Vicki and I rode to Lucky Peak and back.  Twice.  Once in June and once in July.
We hiked into Boulder Lake in July.
The trail ended and we had a choice - hike up the rock face. . .
. . . or cross this river.  Guess which one we chose.
There's a gangsta in our midst.
We hung the hobo on the sign.  Bonus point if you can spot the grammar mistake.
Decorating cars is somewhat of an art in the Brewer family.
Mary now has an as yet unnamed little lamb.