Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lead Me

"To lead them with strong hands,
To stand up when they can't.
Don't leave them hungry for love,
Chasing things that I could give up.

I'll show them I'm willing to fight,
And give them the best of my life,
So we can call this our home.
Lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone."

This is from the song, Lead Me, by Sanctus Real.  The first time I heard it, the words struck a chord deep within me.  After this summer, it has come to have two different, yet very real, meanings for me. 

I spent one of the break days this summer with the family of a friend.  We were at his sister and brother-in-law's house, enjoying conversation and watching his brother-in-law and nephew set off fireworks.  As I was leaving, his sister gave me a hug and said, "Take care of my baby this week."  (Her son was coming as a camper that coming week.)  I started thinking about that as I began the drive back to camp.  Every child that comes to camp is some mother's baby.  Every child that comes has a mother/father/grandparent/whatever who is releasing that child and saying, "Take care of my baby."  We've been given the awesome privilege of serving, loving, and protecting these "babies" for each week.  But with great privilege comes great responsibility.  We are charged to not only play with them, serve them, love them, but also to protect them - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  I didn't know my friend's nephew very well, but I know his mom.  I know his dad (who is a big, slightly intimidating man).  I know his uncle.  I know his grandma.  I know how devastating it would be if anything happened to that child, so I will do anything in the world to protect him.  That should be our attitude toward every single one of the kids that comes to camp.  To tie it back to the song, these kids (and their parents/guardians) are calling for us to lead with strong hands, stand up for them against the darkness, show them that we (and God) love them and that we're willing to fight for them.  That was our responsibility, and great privilege, this summer.

It also applies to my students at school.  Just because we don't have them around the clock for a week doesn't lessen the responsibility.  I have 4 of the most precious kids in my class this year.  They are funny, smart, easy-going, have the most unique personalities, and are the cutest little Eskimo kids I've ever seen.  I am entrusted with those little lives for 7 hours every day.  I am called to love them, serve them, teach them, and protect them.  I need to be willing to lead them with strong hands, stand up and advocate for them, show them God's love, and be willing to fight for what's best for them, even when it's not easy. 

That's actually the last chorus of the song.  The first two times through, the chorus is slightly different:
"Lead me with strong hands.
Stand up when I can't.
Don't leave me hungry for love,
Chasing dreams - but what about us?

Show me you're willing to fight,
That I'm still the love of your life.
I know we call this our home,
But I still feel alone."

These are the words that first brought me to tears.  One of my desires is to be married and have a family.  I can't believe God would set that desire in my heart and then call me to be single for the rest of my life (Psalm 37:4).  At the rate I'm going, it's going to be a long while before I get married.  I don't know who he is yet, but I want someone who will do this - truly lead with strong hands, stand up for me, fight for me, show me that I am the love of his life, second only to Jesus.